What Happens During Osteopathy Consultations?
Osteopaths take an integrated approach to health care, so we require a lot of information from you to help us accurately understand your complaint and then work to provide you with the most suitable treatment.
Firstly, we will ask you for a comprehensive history of your current complaint. Then we will ask about your medical history, including questions about previous surgery and illnesses, family history, medications and lifestyle. After we have understood the details of your complaint and your medical and health history we will need to do a physical examination.
Osteopaths do careful and skilled examination by touch, picking up details that help us determine areas of sensitivity, inflammation, joint restriction, muscular tightness and other tissue changes that may be relevant to your complaint. Assessing how your well body moves both actively and passively also gives us important information. Our detailed examination will involve looking closely at the affected region and then assessing it in the context of the rest of your body. Any important functional tests will also be performed, such as a neurological and cardiovascular assessments.
After the examination we will have a good idea as to what has happened and will discuss with you how best to address the issue. Occasionally the next step will be a referral for diagnostic images (ultrasound, x-ray or MRI scans), or a visit to your GP or another health care professional, but in most cases, with your consent, we will be able to start osteopathic care so you can start feeling better.
Who can osteopaths help?
Age or health status is not usually a barrier to osteopathic care. Children to patients in their 90’s plus and everyone in between can benefit from a personalised osteopathic approach to their health care if it is appropriate to their complaint.
Does osteopathic treatment hurt?
As a general rule, osteopathic manual therapy should not hurt and we do our best to ensure that you are comfortable throughout treatment. Occasionally, some techniques used can feel awkward or unusual but they should not hurt.